One "can't" Kayak from Koror to the Rock Islands (yes, there are Rock Islands right by Koror, I'm talking about the other ones, outer Rock Islands if you will). There is dangerous surf off of Ngeruktabel, which you would have to cross in order to get to the island from Koror. (The crossing between Margie’s Beach and Koror or Lee Marvin Beach) It is marked by a skull and crossbones on Planet Blue’s maps. (The picture above is taken from Lee Marvin Beach looking toward Ngeruktabel, Margie's Beach is around the corner some.)
Now, I’ve put can’t in quotes because people can and do navigate it. When I was camping on Margie’s Beach I met an expat who had done it and thought it was no big deal. He was encouraging me to do it. At that point, near the end of my trip, I actually felt cocky enough to consider it. However, I had set a date and time with my shuttle boat plus I felt an obligation to Planet Blue. They clearly did not want their kayak (or clients) in the area that they had indicated as Dangerous Surf so I felt that I shouldn’t go there with their kayak. I also need to add that something that is not a big deal on one day can be a very big deal (life or death even) depending on weather conditions. Here is a report of a trip on a windy day where several kayaks did flip in the surf. So what that means is that you have to shuttle your kayak to and from the “outer” Rock Islands.

You can kayak near Koror but I would not recommend camping there. (I have not been to the German Lighthouse which I believe is accessible without a shuttle.) I was scheduled to spend two nights at Lee Marvin Beach and uh, uh that place is bad. Trash and graffiti all over. (Lee Marvin shack shelter pictured left.) I certainly did not want to run into the kind of people who hang out there. I tried to make a run for it back to Koror but got caught by low tide and bad weather and ended up spending a night at what I think is Ancient Village Beach, not a garden spot but a little better than Lee Marvin.
There is also the consideration of additional food and water. I was out for 7 nights and had enough with me initially that I did not need the additional water bought to me or have need for any additional food. I was good for at least another day. However, when I was planning my trip the worry about running out of water loomed large.